DJ Pryor is taking entertainment head-on this year. Maintaining the true essence of what it means to be a multi-threat entertainer through stand-up comedy, acting, motivational speaking and musicianship to name a few, the young comic is preparing his seat the table among the greats. From starring in music videos, commercials with Allstate and Jack Daniels to leading in the upcoming independent film "The Konichiwa Kid", all the while perfecting his first love- stand-up-comedy, he is directly on the path to stardom. Most recently the actor-comedian's "comedy-mojo", which he refers to as his "comojo", allowed him to be one of twenty artists to take the stage in the 2019 CBS Diversity Comedy Sketch Showcase.
DJ is married to Shanieke Pryor and a father of two Jabari, 8, Kingston, 2. DJ was most recently known for a viral video with his youngest son Kingston coining him the "World's Favorite Dad" for Father's Day 2019!
From acting, directing and performing at popular venues including Zanies in Nashville, TN. Los Angeles's infamous Laugh Factory, the Comedy Store, and more to launching his latest digital endeavor, Laughter is Universal, there is no stopping DJ Pryor.